Libmagicxx v5.5.0
A C++ wrapper library over the Magic Number Recognition Library.
No Matches

Build & Test on Linux using GCC Build & Test on Linux using CLANG Quality Gate Status


Libmagicxx is a C++ wrapper library over the Magic Number Recognition Library. It provides an easy-to-use interface through the magic class, enabling the identification of file types based on their content rather than file extensions.

Key Features

  • Modern C++: Utilizes modern C++ standards and features, ensuring clean, efficient, and maintainable code.
  • High-Level API: Provides a simple and intuitive high-level API for easy integration and use.
  • Simple Integration with CMake: Easily integrate file type recognition into your CMake-based C++ projects.

Requirements to Build Libmagicxx

  • Git
  • GCC with libstdc++ or Clang with libc++ (C++23)
  • CMake
  • GNU Make
  • Ninja
  • Libtool
  • Autoconf

How to Build Libmagicxx

  1. Clone the libmagicxx repo.

    git clone
  2. Install the necessary dependencies using the bash script.

    cd libmagicxx && ./scripts/
  3. Build the project using the bash script.

    ./scripts/ -d build -b Release -c g++ -t

    For more options, use:

    ./scripts/ -h
    Usage: ./scripts/ [-d build_dir] [-b build_type] [-c compiler] [-t] [-e] [-h]
    -d build_dir Specify the build directory (default: release_build).
    -b build_type Specify the CMake build type (default: Release).
    -c compiler Specify the compiler (g++ or clang++, default: g++).
    -l library_type Specify the library type (STATIC or SHARED, default: SHARED).
    -t Build and run tests (default: OFF).
    -e Build and run examples (default: OFF).
    -h Display this message.

How to Use Libmagicxx in a CMake-based Project

  1. Clone the libmagicxx repo into your project.

    git clone
  2. Install the necessary dependencies using the bash script.

    cd libmagicxx && ./scripts/
  3. Add the following lines to the top level CMakeLists.txt file of your project to include and link libmagicxx.

    target_include_directories(<name of your project>
    target_link_libraries(<name of your project>
    <PUBLIC or PRIVATE or INTERFACE> "magicxx;$<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:Clang>:c++>"
  4. Include the magic.hpp header file in your source files. Below is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to print the MIME type of the default database file using the magic class.

    #include <print>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <magic.hpp>
    auto main(int, char**) -> int
    using namespace recognition;
    magic m{magic::flags::mime};
    std::println(std::cout, "{}", m.identify_file(magic::default_database_file));
    // possible output: text/x-file; charset=us-ascii
    The magic class provides a C++ wrapper over the Magic Number Recognition Library. The magic class is ...
    Definition magic.hpp:27
    Definition magic.hpp:17


For more examples, refer to the examples directory.


For comprehensive guides, API references, and detailed information, visit the documentation site.


We welcome contributions! Please see the file for guidelines on how to contribute.

Code of Conduct

We expect all contributors to adhere to the Code of Conduct. Please read it to understand the standards of behavior we expect from our community.


For information on reporting security vulnerabilities, please see the file.

Source Code

Explore the source code of Libmagicxx on GitHub.


Libmagicxx is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3. For more details, see the COPYING.LESSER file.

Other licenses:

  • File and the Magic Number Recognition Library: See the COPYING file.
  • GoogleTest: See the LICENSE file.